Tuesday, September 14, 2010

#427 Italy...Thanks Alfredo!

The 0.52€ stamp is from 2003 Futurist Art issue featuring "Linee-Forza del Pugno di Boccioni (Force line of Boccioni's Fist)" by Giacomo Balla.

Giacomo Balla (1871-1958) was an Italian painter born in Turin.Influenced by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Giacomo Balla adopted the Futurism style, creating a pictorial depiction of light, movement and speed. He was signatory to the Futurist Manifesto in 1910 and began designing and painting Futurist furniture and also created Futurist "antineutral" clothing. He also taught Umberto Boccioni,who was also an Italian painter and sculptor.In painting, his new style is demonstrated in the 1912 work titled Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash. In 1914, he also began sculpting and the following year created perhaps his best known sculpture called Boccioni's Fist.

The 0.23€ stamp was issued in 2007 celebrating Father Lodovico Acernese (1835-1916),the founder of The Congregation of the Franciscan Immaculatine Sisters.

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