Sunday, December 26, 2010

#520 India...Thanks Yogesh

This special cover is a tribute to a great astronomer Raja Sawai Jai Singh,the founder of city of Jaipur & creator of world renowned heritage of "Jantar Mantar-Jaipur".

The Jantar Mantar, in Jaipur, is an astronomical observation site built in the early 18th century. It includes a set of some 20 main fixed instruments. They are monumental examples in masonry of known instruments but which in many cases have specific characteristics of their own. Designed for the observation of astronomical positions with the naked eye, they embody several architectural and instrumental innovations. This is the most significant, most comprehensive, and the best preserved of India's historic observatories. It is an expression of the astronomical skills and cosmological concepts of the court of a scholarly prince at the end of the Mughal period.

The 5 INR stamp on the right corner was issued in 2009 showing St.Anne Church,that is a religious monument located in Santana, Goa, India. It is an example of baroque architecture and it is by far the most exquisite and the largest surviving monument of its kind in all of Asia.

1 comment:

  1. Według danych IBRM Samar, w styczniu 2015 wydziały komunikacji zarejestrowały tylko 643 nowe ciągniki. Tak słabego wyniku nie odnotowano w żadnym miesiącu roku ubiegłego.
    Jedną z przyczyn jest wejście z nowym rokiem kolejnej normy emisji spalin, co spowodowało że wielu dealerów dokonywało rejestracji nowych ciągników przed końcem ubiegłego roku. Widać to wyraźnie po danych statystycznych z grudnia 2014, kiedy to zarejestrowano około 1200 sztuk. Belarus – 520
